The Ravine would like to feature Neil Taylor as the first Wolf of the Week of 2025!
Neil has had a tremendous impact on the community and the school, helping to raise awareness of Pediatric Cancer.
On January 11, 2019, at the age of 12, Neil was diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia called Mixed Phenotype Acute Leukemia, or MPAL for short. MPAL is a blood cancer that is typically only found in 2-5% of all Leukemia cases.

Neil would spend the next two and a half years in treatment fighting this terrible disease.
Since his diagnosis a little over six years ago, Neil has not stopped fighting to help further the research of this rare type of Leukemia.
“Since my diagnosis, I have been advocating for more research funds to go towards pediatric cancer with Buckeyethon, NC4K, Angleworks, and the Leukemia Lymphoma Society(LLS),” Neil told The Ravine.
Research just like the ones he is constantly raising money for, is similar to the same research that was used to help Neil finish his cancer treatment a full year early.
After this research was used to help him get back to some sense of normal early, he knew he had to step in and help others get the same care he was fortunate to receive.
“I was a student hero for LLS [Leukemia and Lymphoma Society] and spoke at LLS events to tell my story and motivate groups of students to get donations for pediatric cancer research.” Neil said.

In 2022, Neil was named the Nicklaus Youth Spirit Award Winner by Nationwide Children’s for his optimistic outlook throughout his treatment and hospital stays.
Neil Taylor continues to be an inspiration to all that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
If you see Neil around school, make sure to congratulate him on all the outstanding work he has done, and for being this week’s Wolf of the Week!