One of WKHS’ most redeeming qualities is the numerous and diverse clubs and extracurriculars offered, and this week, the Ravine is highlighting Worthington Kilbourne’s Book Club. Kilbourne’s Book Club meets on the second Thursday of each month to discuss the assigned book they read. Mrs. Humphrey, Kilbourne’s school librarian, advises the club along with a Worthington Libraries librarian, who is helpful with choosing and supplying the books. Book Club is, “a super lowkey and fun environment. It’s not meant to be another thing added to students’ plates, but instead, it’s meant to be a fun atmosphere for people interested in reading to have books to read not just for class and for them to make friends through fun discussion!” Mrs. Humphrey told us.
One of the members, Casey Ollom, shared with us about the selection and diversity of the books. She said, “I feel like a lot of popular books are romance, which isn’t really my thing. I like Book Club because a lot of the books are different genres which is fun when I find a new genre I didn’t know I would like.”
Book Club has been at Kilbourne since even before Mrs. Humphrey took over the library; Mrs Humphrey told us about some of the awesome things she has been seeing in the last two years. She said, “Book Club was around before I got here so I pretty much just took over duties, but it’s been so cool to see how it’s grown. I work alongside a Worthington Libraries librarian, and one of the main reasons is we have more Book Club members than book copies!”
She also gave us some insight into how the discussions run and how to get involved. Mrs. Humprhey shared with us, “I used to prepare for the discussions, but lately I have just been letting the conversation flow. I think it’s really awesome to see how some kids love to discuss the book while others would rather sit back and listen; some kids even show up randomly never having heard of the book and just tune in to the discussion. I love seeing how all the different students fit together and it really is just an amazing and supportive environment.”
She also told us how to get involved, “Book Club is very low-key and informal, so really to get involved you can just show up! If you want to come more frequently or if you are looking to try it out, I can put you on the email list but I also want students to know that it’s a fun thing, not another commitment. Lots of kids sign up and go one or two times because things get busy, and then sometimes they come back in spring or even just for May. It’s never too late to stop by, and if you want to read March’s book stop by the library!”
If you are interested in signing up for book club, stop by the library or email Mrs Humphrey, at [email protected], and you can get any details needed. Book Club continues throughout the year, so make sure not to miss it!
Pictured above are a few of the books that have been assigned this year.