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Girls Basketball

This time last year, the WKHS girls’ basketball team was struggling. With a new wave of freshmen and players needing improvement, the whole program was suffering the consequences. Senior Sienna Phelps reflected on this, saying, “Last season was rough because it was such a big growth period for our team.” While it was difficult to deal with at the moment, it has made their numerous victories this year so much more special. The program quickly learned to adjust, hiring new assistant coaches and opening up more opportunities for players to improve their skills, Phelps commented on this, explaining  “I think the introduction of the new coaches has helped the team because they brought a whole new perspective on how to run our defense, which has helped us convert to more points on offense.” These effects were almost immediately seen as the team started the season 5-0 to numerous rival teams such as Upper Arlington and Scioto.


One of the events that helped to revolutionize this year’s season was the team’s trip to South Carolina. There, they spent their time participating in a tournament and getting tons of playing time in preparation for the rest of the season. Apart from spending time together on the court, the team also had a ton of time to bond and get to know each other. When asked about their favorite part of the team, Kenzington Williams mentioned how the players all have a unique connection with each other.


The girl’s coaches have helped to foster said relationships through many team bonding activities. Player Riley Wilkinson described some of their upcoming activities, “We are doing a team bonding day to help keep everyone spirits high… we are doing dodgeball and other games to get a basketball break, overall I think they just really help us to see that balance is key.”



This year’s season has set a new standard for the future of WKHS basketball. The team’s ability to understand their challenges and find ways to quickly adjust will be something that allows them to succeed greatly in the future. With so many young and talented players, the program is set on a track toward greatness.





All of this improvement can be seen through the student’s excitement for the games. Moments such as the Thomas game were so popular that all the students who attended were not able to fit in the stands. Student Jade Dickman mentioned how “The girls Basketball games are always one of my favorite events to attend. . . I love watching Sophomore Olivah Wilkerson, she is always super impressive.” WKHS students can continue to support the girls through their last few games against Big Walnut, Franklin Heights, Westerville North, and Dublin Jerome.


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About the Contributor
Emma Radick
Emma Radick, Writer